The hand warmers, also often called pocket stoves or pocket warmers, are simply placed in the hands or pants pocket. They are activated by contact with oxygen when the package is opened and provide natural heat for up to 12 hours!
Item number: 200000587190TD-78010
Distributor: Sport Depot SA, България
Producer: China
Importer: Sport Depot D.o.o
Extended delivery time delivery time working days
• Heat duration: up to 12 hours
• Shelf life: up to 3 years, can be used once
• Disposable: Disposal via residual waste
• Ingredients: iron powder, salt, activated carbon, water and vermiculite
• Packaging unit: 1 pair
• Dimensions product: 8 x 5 cm
• Never again cold hands:
• The heat pads are especially popular with stadium visitors or children, for whom the hand warmers make it easier to go to school in icy temperatures. Alpine skiers and mountain bikers also appreciate the advantages of the hand warmers, which can also be used in gloves without any problems.
• Application: Simply unpack and use warmer. For better heat development, it is recommended to put the heat pad in your jacket or pants pocket. Also in the glove you have an optimal warming effect due to the insulation.