The outdoors is made for exploring, and these adidas waterproof Terrex hiking men's shoes are built to explore high and low, near and far. Their multi-sport design is light enough for day hikes and technical enough for alpine scrambles and via ferratas. They support your feet with a lightweight yet rugged and stable feel, so you can focus on your route. Waterproof, breathable GORE-TEX seals out water and mud while letting your feet breathe. A gusseted tongue and padded ankle-height cuff hug the foot and seal out dust and debris for running-shoe-inspired comfort. The all-conditions grip of Continental™ Rubber means you can move with confidence across rocky scree, wet roots and loose, dusty trails. Lace up, and get out there.
Item number: 200000549159HP7401
Distributor: Sport Depot SA, България
Producer: Vietnam
Importer: Sport Depot D.o.o
Extended delivery time delivery time working days
GORE-TEX membrane for waterproof, breathable performance.
Continental™ Rubber outsole provide extraordinary grip across rough terrain, wet and dry.
Abrasion resistant materials enhance durability for wear in rough terrain.
Regular fit
Lace closure
Mesh upper with synthetic overlays and gusseted tongue
Abrasion resistant
GORE-TEX membrane
EVA midsole
Continental™ Rubber outsole